Cuban Cigar Disposable Electronic Cigar
Experience the rich, bold flavor of an authentic Cuban cigar with our disposable electronic version. Perfect for those looking for a convenient and satisfying smoking experience, our electronic Cuban cigar offers the same bold flavor and smooth draw of a traditional Cuban cigar without the hassle.
Our electronic Cuban cigar is handcrafted using the finest tobacco flavors to replicate the authentic taste of a real Cuban cigar. The complex blend of earthy, spicy, and slightly sweet notes will awaken your palate and provide a unique and enjoyable experience.
Our soft tip cigar comes in three different nicotine levels to suit your preference: medium, high, and X high. The cherry flavor is rich and satisfying, providing a unique and enjoyable experience.
Unlike traditional Cuban cigars, our disposable electronic version is clean and easy to use. Simply open the package, take a puff, and enjoy. When it's finished, simply throw it away and grab a new one. It's that easy!
Perfect for those on-the-go, our disposable electronic Cuban cigar is a convenient and satisfying option for cigar lovers. Try it today and experience the flavor and convenience of our electronic Cuban cigar.
Choose from the following nicotine strength options:
- X High (24mg): For experienced vapers who prefer a strong nicotine hit.
- High (18mg): A popular option for those who want a satisfying nicotine level without feeling overwhelmed.
- Medium (11mg): A good middle ground for those who want a moderate amount of nicotine.